your voices
your voices
ON top of the engagement and enjoyment during curriculum sessions we have seen three rangatahi choose to attend Southern Queens Boxing sessions outside of their school hours. The rangatahi have made their own way to the gym twice a week for the last few weeks. We are very proud of this and we are excited to see the impacts of having the Southern Queens team visit us.
Not only are the students attending regular weekly sessions in their own time but they are talking about plans they have for their future. They are speaking about fitness and physical activity goals, speaking about the weight classes they will join and what that means for them and their long-term commitment to the sport. They have gained a sense of belonging with Southern Queens and speak highly of the connections and opportunities made with Lou and her team.
-MSD Case Manager, Bex
All 3 of her children attend the Southern Queens program and she could not speak highly enough about it. Said all her child love it there and its just like a big extended family.
She advised that currently her oldest is actually staying with Emma as he has some things Emma is helping him work though. She said it is one of the best things that her children have ever been apart of and she can see the differences it is making in their lives.
[WHANAKE HOUSE] It was amazing and everyone loved it. These kids headed back to school with experiencing something really special.